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Church Planting Movement

​A Church Planting Movement (CPM) is a rapid multiplication of indigenous churches that sweeps through a group or population. There are three components involved in a true Church Planting Movement: rapidness, multiplication, and indigenous churches. Without all three components, a Church Planting Movement simply does not exist.

Join Our Movement

If you would like to help grow the Kingdom, please contact us today for further information regarding church planting in S.E. Asia. We gladly welcome new members. Together we can make a difference and further the Kingdom of God.

Our Mission

Our Mission

is to facilitate a CPM among our target people group in SE Asia. We want these indigenous churches to be healthy “purpose-driven” churches meeting in homes as often as they see fit. They are to be led by Bible-centered believers. Once the churches begin to propagate, we provide the discipleship support adequate to ensure growth fueled by sound biblical doctrine. In the next year, we expect God to start no less than 25 more churches.  Click here for the latest All Will Know Him news.

Our Mission
Our Goals

Our Goals

Our main priority at All Will Know Him Inc in Cape Haze, FL is to rapidly assemble as many churches as possible in a short period of time. We started a  Church Planting Movement among the Aguri in 2006. We are more of a youth counseling and encouragement center… we teach English and the Bible, we have art classes and movie nights.

Our Goals

We Need Your Support Today!

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